Thursday, March 26, 2009

A Preamble to Adrian Mapp's Politics

One of the functions of the Party Chairman is to get Democrats on all levels of government elected. I am proud of the fact that the Obama people in Chicago and New Jersey cited Plainfield’s Democratic Committee with the great job it did in producing such numbers. Plainfield’s campaign efforts were well run and well organized. Therefore, I find it very odd that Adrian Mapp would be very critical with the job I have done as Party Chairman, in getting Democrats elected on the Federal, State, and County levels of government. That is a responsibility of the Chairman of the City Committee. In essence, it is the job of the elected officials to perform their functions as an elected official, which the majority of the council members of the City have failed by doing nothing.

Everyone who worked the Obama campaign here in Plainfield knows exactly how Adrian Mapp felt about getting President Obama elected by his lack of support with our citywide efforts. With the thousands of people who came out solely on Election Day, coupled with the faithful hundreds who volunteered countless hours in phone banking, canvassing, and registering voters, Adrian Mapp was nowhere to be found. As a matter of fact, the phone list that I gave him to call registered voters and encourage them to vote for President Obama was returned to me two weeks later with not ONE phone call made. Yet in still, Adrian and his friends want to compare him to our President.

After serving just ONE term as Freeholder, Adrian Mapp was voted out of office by 25,000 votes. Can you say, ‘the proof was in the pudding?’ Now Adrian Mapp wants to be the Mayor of Plainfield. In doing the math, this simply does not make any sense.

Take for example the CFO positions of Roselle and Hillsborough. Hillsborough is twice the size of Roselle, but its CFO makes $30,000 less than the CFO of Roselle. The CFO of Roselle is Adrian Mapp. The $30,000 increase that Mapp received was a gift from the New Democrat/Bush Republicans countywide.

Also in his blog, he mentioned that I don’t ‘get it’, when in fact, it is Adrian who does not get it; he has a short memory. Last year for example, the committee members voted to give Don Davis, a New Democratic councilperson, the line. After which, they went on to be very critical of his legal problems. Adrian forgets that he only won that election by 80 votes.

When he and his friends accused Don of being a drunk and an embarrassment to the City, I did not want to be Don Davis’ judge and jury so I supported the New Democratic wishes of giving Don Davis the line. I left the judging up to the court system, which eventually found Mr. Davis innocent.

If these are the sorts of politics Adrian Mapp is going to play with me, I would like him to wake up and smell the coffee because I will not accept it. Misinformation, inaccuracy, and hearsay are foreign platforms to my campaign and me.

I have one thing to say to Adrian Mapp: Lying is not going to get you elected. Start talking about solutions to problems in the City, which you have YET to do in your ten-year involvement in government.

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