Friday, May 8, 2009

Happy Mother's Day!!!

I would like to take this opportunity to wish ALL mothers a Happy Mother’s Day! The mother of a family is very important; often the source of nurture and ‘motherly’ care, no love can match one of a mother. I hope this day serves as one that all mothers can enjoy.

I am happy with Doc’s blog page in his commendation of Courier News’ writer Mark Spivey, and his penning of the $2.5million dollar grant received by Plainfield. Doc was not clear on the grant's authenticity and/or specifics initially, but I am happy Spivey’s article cleared up questions.

The meeting Councilwoman Linda Carter had this past Thursday regarding Emerson School and other community concerns like traffic, speeding, and other quality of life issues, was very interesting, informative, and energy inspiring. It also gave us an opportunity to tell our State Representatives who were in attendance, that we will not make the same mistakes when we begin to make repairs to two of our elementary schools in the 2nd ward. We, as a community, realize that it is better to proactively discuss issues rather than reactively, for in the latter, the damage is already done.

So again, I wish every mother a Happy Mother’s Day, and I will refrain from detailed rebuttal of other concerns I have like being called a liar by Adrian Mapp, when I clearly have no reason to lie about neither he nor anyone else. I am glad that Mr. Mapp has finally realized that he is running against the current mayor and not me. Therefore, as long as he keeps that truth in mind, and directs his personal and political comments toward her and not me, then I will have no problem giving him the respect he deserves as an elected official. However, if he believes he can hide behind Dan Damon and throw stones, then he should be man enough to accept the consequences.

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