Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Congratulations to the Newly Elected Plainfield Board of Education Members

I would like to congratulate all of the winners in yesterday’s Board of Education election. All of the candidates, other than Rasheed Abdul-Haqq, ran campaigns without personal, negative attacks about on another. They stuck to the issues. I am hoping that in the future, all candidates on all levels in the City will use this campaign as an example as to what the public in the City of Plainfield is looking for.

I felt the personal attacks Abdul-Haqq used against me during the campaign were unnecessary. It is clear, through the back lashing response from voters, that his antics were also not appreciated. Out of the ten candidates that ran for the Board of Education, Abdul-Haqq came in dead last, receiving the least amount of votes.

It is very, very amusing to read Dan Damon’s blog today, when the best he can do is talk about a cemetery, and not give credit to all of the candidates, who I feel, did a very good job campaigning. I feel that I am constantly being accused of attacking people, when in reality, reading Bernice Paglia’s blog today; its negative tone is a driving factor as to why she is losing so much respect and accountability in the community. It would have been nice if she could have limited her comments to congratulating all of the candidates for the job well done, rather than talking about me trying to influence any of the candidates. I supported them personally, as well as financially, which was the extent of my involvement. Our relationship is strictly putting the kids here in Plainfield first.


Bernice, you seem to delight in campaign tactics that include elected officials cutting each other up and naming calling one another. I am glad to inform you that such days are over. Maybe it is time you move into a community that enjoy such tactics and coverage, because Plainfield, as reflected through Abdul-Haqq’s extremely low voter turnout (the lowest of ALL ten candidates), will not and does not support such agendas.

You Bernice will probably take these comments as an attack, but they are not. I am simply informing you that your writing style and divisive tactics are not acceptable forms of reporting in Plainfield, nor are they welcome. I have nothing but respect for the three candidates that I supported who won, and I have absolutely no interest in politically influencing them, but rather seek to continue in putting the children first.

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