Monday, April 20, 2009

An Address to Maria's Blog and Plainfield Voters

In reading the blogs over the weekend and this morning, I would like to first, respond to Maria Pellum’s recent blog post. It is one that I have to agree with in terms of her bringing concerns of the City to my attention. We do not always agree on issues, but I find her committed to the City of Plainfield, putting Plainfield first. I am hoping that other residents in the Plainfield area would take the same approach instead of entertaining lies and misinformation. Please call my office so that I have an opportunity to share accurate and truthful answers, or at the very least, put you in the direction to attain such answers. I am not always looking for people to agree with my approach to politics, but at the same time, we can always agree to put our communities first.

Many in the past, when on the receiving end of criticism, have given up and walked away from the table just because of differences in thought and opinion. I am happy to see however that Maria has not gotten discouraged by criticisms she has received. She is beginning to see that locally in Plainfield, when a person is honest and expresses genuine concern with an issues, criticism floods in from those who want it ‘their way or no way’. I hope these individuals do not deter her from speaking her mind.

I realize that Maria is running on the New Democratic Committee slate, and I can respect her for that. Reason being is that for the last 3 years, I have worked with and supported New Democratic candidates. I believe that it is important that we come together as Democrats after the primary, to support our Democratic slate in the November election against our Republican opponents. This past November, I supported the entire Democratic slate, from our President Barack Obama all the way down to our local Democratic candidates, Annie McWilliams and Adrian Mapp.

There are a series of questions I hope Plainfield voters will consider in June for the primary. These questions center on truthfulness and the ability to make productive community efforts. The first question is which slate of candidates has been truthful regarding the Muhlenberg issue, crime, and quality of life issues in the community? The second is who has a tangible, productive plan for the future of this City? Finally, which slate has the means and ability to maintain accountability, make progress, and sustain chords of community? These are the sorts of questions that voters should be asking of their candidates, questions that seek out solutions rather than circular discussion.

I just want to leave you with one example of how Maria Pellum has helped me deal with the quality of life issues here in the City. I have notified the Mayor’s office, as well as the NJ Department of Community Affairs, where multiple-dwelling housing issues are under their jurisdiction. Already we have taken on the Connelly Properties, where people have complained about unfair treatment, as well as boarded-up buildings (particularly in the North Ave section). I am currently working with the County of Union with a major campaign to clean up County parks, as well as using their S.L.A.P. program to clean up empty lots here in Plainfield, especially in the Crescent Avenue area. There are buildings that are vacant that deserve to be kept up so that they are presentable.

Please continue to send me your thoughts, questions, and comments to my email,, my District Office, (908) 561-5757, or by sending comments to my blog inbox.

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