Monday, January 12, 2009

Jan. 12, 2009

A Community on the Rise

On tomorrow, January 13, Governor Jon S. Corzine will deliver his State of the State Address at the State House. As a part of leadership in the State Government, I have been asked by the Governor to sit in on his briefing tomorrow morning regarding the vision for the State while in the midst of these financial crises consuming our state and our country.

This past week I had the opportunity to meet with Congressman Frank Palone and other elected officials representing the State of New Jersey to discuss not only the financial crises, but also the debilitating health crisis. Our discussions were very productive and reassuring; leaving on the note that our Congressmen as well as other elected officials committed to extending their services to the City of Plainfield in means of restoring Muhlenberg to a full-service hospital. I am thus looking forward to working with the Mayor and Council on financial, health, and crime issues.

Unfortunately, we still have people in the city who do not want to give the Mayor and Council credit for moving the City in the right direction in terms of crime prevention and containment. I recently was afforded the opportunity to talk with law enforcement agents on the State and County levels, and they conveyed feelings of pride and satisfaction in the way in which Plainfield’s leadership has been dealing with issues of crime.

I would now like to set the record straight regarding harsh and unmerited criticisms of Plainfield and its leadership that seeks to tear down the city without the thought of rebuilding it. Those who engage in this sort of injurious behavior are beginning to realize the tide which is turning in our City. I am happy to see for the first time in 20 years that the community as a whole is seeing through this sort of behavior and is no longer failing victim to it. I am seeing that as a community, we have turned the corner, and we will continue to move forward in progression and productivity.

The political climate of change that is sweeping across America, beginning with our President Elect Barack Obama, and manifesting itself here within our city, dictates a message to those who look to undermine and harm our community to ‘Put Up or Shut Up’. For, these same individuals, if asked for their contributions to SOLUTIONS and not just criticisms, would not be able to supply ONE initiative that they have promoted.

To my blog readers, I also would like to address head-on the fact that I made it my business to support ALL new democratic council members for re-election, hoping to foster unity in the city. So when I read the blogs today, some stating that ‘the voters sent ME a message’, it is obvious that 12 months earlier, the voters in the city returned me to office with overwhelming support. As stated earlier, as Chairman of the Plainfield Democratic Committee, it is my duty to get the vote out and promote those running, NOT to run the city, nor tell the mayor or council how to vote or think. If they ask for my advice or opinion, I will be there for them.

Thus the message I am sending today is that the blame game that has gone on throughout our neighborhood, especially from certain habitual writers/parties needs to come to a swift end. Acknowledging and practicing this truth will enable Plainfield as a community to move forward in PROGRESSIVE and WHOLESOME change.

P.S. Below is a brief list of council members that were initially elected as New Democrats that I have supported and the COMMUNITY recognized were not a part of those who I personally endorsed, yet have a positive working relationship with: Councilman Cory Storch, 2nd ward, Council President Rashid Burney, 2nd and 3rd wards, former Councilman Don Davis, 3rd ward, Council Chairwoman Linda Carter, 1st and 4th wards, and Union County Freeholder Rayland Van Blake.

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