Thursday, February 9, 2012

The Standing Strong for Women Project Combats the GOP's Anti-Woman Agenda


I was outraged and appalled when Planned Parenthood nearly lost funding last week because of a House Republican-led witch hunt.

We may have won this round, but radical House Republicans won’t back down an inch. We may have won this round, but radical House Republicans won’t back down an inch. We can’t either.  That’s why the DSCC has created the Standing Strong for Women Project- to combat the Republican war on women.

The Democratic Senate has already stopped nearly a dozen anti-women measures passed by House Republicans, including one that would have forced rape survivors seeking an abortion to prove to that IRS that hey had been raped. But if we didn’t win 30 of 33 senate races, there will be nothing to stop them.

A record 11 Democratic women are expected to be the Senate nominee in their respective states.

And we all know how hard the right wing will fight to restrict women’s rights- it appears to be their No. 1 goal! The very ability of women to participate equally in our society is at stake on Election Day.

That’s why we need the Standing Strong for Women Project- not only to push back against Republican attacks, but also to give our candidates the tools they need to come out of the gate ready to fight.

 You would think breast exams and well-women care would be issues we could all rally around. Apparently not, as the Komen has shown. That’s why we need to fight back twice as hard.

Sen. Patty Murray

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