Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Sen. Durbin urges Support for President Obama


Tomorrow, Republicans in Florida will determine President Obama’s opponent. Pick your poison.

Newt Gingrich or Mitt Romney- either would expand the gap between rich and poor to catastrophic levels. Their economic prescription: Slash taxes on billionaires and corporations. Then ship all the good jobs overseas.

I have a better plan: Keep President Obama in the White House, and blue seats in the Senate. The DSCC’s deadline tomorrow is the first for which we will have a clear opponent. It’s the most critical FEC deadline yet, and they still have $245,000 left to raise.

If they make this goal, we can re-elect President Obama, and the middle class will be revitalized. If they fall short, republicans will seize control of the white House and Senate, and the middle class will be history.

It’s your choice. It’s your move. Can I count on you to stand with the middle class?

Democrats are proud to stand with working families. We always have, and we always will. It’s who we are.

But we’re facing gale-force headwinds in November. The abhorrent Citizens United decision gives unprecedented power to corporations and special interests to skew our elections. And believe me, the middle class is not their concern.

My fellow Democrats are already getting attacked by Karl Rove and Company, and it’s only going to get worse. If the DSCC can raise $245,000 by Jan. 31, Democrats can hold our own. President Obama can win re-election. And families will have a fighting chance to succeed.

But fall short, and its dystopia for Democrats. We’ll lose the Senate. Newt Gingrich or Mitt Romney will pull the strings of a radical Republican Congress. And the middle class- the people who built this country- will slowly disappear.

I won’t accept this bleak future without a fight, and that’s why I support the DSCC. Will you join me right now?

The middle class is demanding to be heard, and it’s out of self-preservation. Let’s stand with them, re-elect President Obama, and keep this country moving forward. Thanks for your support.

Sen. Dick Durbin

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