Thursday, January 26, 2012

My thoughts on moving the school board election to November

After reading the blogs over the last couple of days, I was hoping that the school district would take it upon itself to move the school board election to the November elections allowing an opportunity for more people to get involved. Not only will more people get in involved this move will save the district money. In case you aren’t aware, I was one of the key sponsors of this bill. I have been pushing this for the last couple of years and I finally gained enough support in both houses to get it done.

Based upon this last election when each candidate received less than 1,000 votes, it became obvious that we have to get more people involved in the process. It is evident that moving the election to November will make that happen. The local school board is not moving on this issue. Therefore, I have spoken to some of the council members here in the city of Plainfield because they have the ability to move on the issue. I am asking that the council take the appropriate steps to move the election to November.

I don’t always agree with Dan Damon and Maria Pellum but I must say that lately their blogs have been 150% right. We can no longer close our eyes to a failing school district. Upon review of Dan Damon and Maria Pellum’s research, I believe that some of the things that they are talking about are true. One day we are all going to wake up here in the city of Plainfield and realize that the Plainfield district is going to be in total chaos.

For the record, I stay away from the Board of Education issues, so I am not blamed. However, I am speaking out because I know that when the public realizes the total chaos going on with the Board of Education the blame is not going to roll this way.

It is interesting that some of the current board members were very involved in bringing former Superintendent Steve Gallon to Plainfield. When these members saw the red flag go up in that situation they walked away like they knew nothing.

You can take it to the bank that this is going to happen again when the public realizes that our school district has been mismanaged, there will be members that are going to walk away and point the finger at someone else. This can be avoided because the council has the opportunity to do the right thing. I hope they put our children first.

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