Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Majority Leader Joe Cryan on Gov. Christie's Comments on the Judicial Branch

"Let's be clear - no one has any sympathy for judicial pay, but every attorney, especially those who become governors and have the ability to appoint and reappoint judges and justices of the Supreme Court, has a responsibility to show respect for the judicial branch, even when they disagree with a ruling.

"It borders on the unethical of Gov. Christie to personally insult Judge Feinberg.  It's juvenile and unbecoming of the governor's office and someone who was once U.S. attorney.  No matter how one feel about the ruling, the governor's lack of respect for the judicial process is chilling.

"He of course has the right to defend the law, but he should be above throwing a tantrum and disparaging someone else's character if he doesn't get his way."

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