Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee: 2012 Election Protection

Dear Jerry,

Republican strategists think that Democrats can't win if they cripple our voter registration activity; if students, minorities, and working Americans aren't allowed to cast ballots, and if they can disqualify 5 million Americans from voting.

That's why the Koch brothers and their corporate allies are backing a coordinated effort to manipulate the rules in 2012.  Their plan for taking the Senate and the White House is simple:  Force us to fight with one hand tied behind our backs.

Republicans are hitting us where it hurts, trying to cut the legs our from under the grassroots organizing that has helped Democrats win close, tough races for years.  With 23 seats to defend - and Republicans needing only four to take majority - this is a serious threat.

Our Election Protection Project is up and running - challenging the legality of these voter suppression tactics and expanding our turnout program to account for the new rules.  But we need to raise $100,000 before midnight Sunday.  Can you chip in $5 right now to help us fight back?

It's no accident that these new laws - making it harder to register new voters, cutting back on early voting that allows working Americans to cast their ballots, even specifically targeting students and minorities - are aimed at disenfranchising Democrats.

And it's no accident that Republicans are targeting states like Florida, Ohio, Wisconsin, and Virginia - presidential battlegrounds with marquee Senate races in 2012.

The powerful, corporate-backed, right-wing American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) is pulling the strings here.  And they know exactly what they're doing.  If their voter suppression can push the four states I just mentioned into the GOP column, they take the Senate.  And the states they've targeted could swing more than enough electoral votes to take the White House.

Our Election Protection Project is our best chance to stop this voter suppression campaign and make sure 2012 is a fair fight - but we must reach our goal by midnight Sunday.  Can you help by sending a $5 contribution right now to help us reach $100,000?

Early grassroots support has made it possible for us to fight back, formally asking the Department of Justice to step in and researching every possible way to stop these rules from taking effect.  But we can't keep up the fight is we can't fund the project.

And with so much at stake in 2012, the truth is that we have to find a way to win whether it's a fair fight or not.  We're going to have to work much harder to bring voters to the polls despite the Republicans' voter suppression program.  It's going to be harder.  It's going to be more expensive.  We're going to have to ask more of you.

Please don't sit on the sidelines.  Help us fight back by funding our Election Protection Project today.

Thank you,

Guy Cecil

P.S. If we can't meet our goal by Sunday night, we can't continue to fight back against the GOP plan to suppress the vote in 2012.  Please help by sending $5 right now.

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