Monday, September 26, 2011

Letter from Senator Frank Lautenberg

Dear Jerry,

The House Republicans are coming after the very air we breathe.

Last week, they launched a full court press to decimate the Clean Air Act, probably the most effective environmental protection law in the nation.

Make no mistake:  If the Republicans have their way, more children will suffer from respiratory and other serious illnesses in our country every year.  That's why, last week, I spoke out at a news conference to make clear that I will fight the GOP's attack on clean air every step of the way.

The Tea Party House GOP is putting politics over our children's health - and that is not just irresponsible, but morally repugnant.

Who will benefit if the GOP succeeds?  Polluters.  And who will lose?  Everyday families and children.

Those are the stakes.  And that is why I am so committed to this fight.

I have been able to keep serving in the Senate thanks to the help that you and other supporters have so generously given me, and I am so deeply grateful.  Please make sure I continue to have the funds to compete by contributing to my campaign today.

Together, we will fight this Tea Party assault on the very air our children breathe.


Frank R. Lautenberg
U.S. Senate

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