Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Lampitt Praises McCormick's Service, Stresses Importance of Finding a Worthy Successor

(Trenton) - Assembly Higher Education Committee Chair Pamela Lampitt (D-Camden) today issued the following statement on the announcement that Rutgers University President Dr. Richard McCormick will be resigning from his post at the end of the year:

"I'd like to thank Dr. McCormick for his decade of leadership, which ushered in many significant improvements to help our state university meet the changing demands of the 21st century. From creating a more efficient university-wide structure, to increasing applications and enrollment, all of these changes have helped bolster Rutger's standing in the higher education community.

"At this critical crossroads, it's important that Rutgers put together a diverse team of New Jersey stakeholders to find a laudable successor. The next president must possess the acuity to meet the demands required to help our state university maintain its standing as one of the leading public education and research facilities in the country.

"The increasingly competitive global economy, coupled with the fiscal challenges facing us at home, requires someone with a unique intellect attuned to the diverse needs of our state."

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