Monday, June 20, 2011

Conners & Milam Bill to Create Veterans Haven Council Released by Assembly Panel

(Trenton) - Legislation sponsored by Assembly Democrats Jack Conners and Matthew W. Milam to create a council to oversee Veterans Haven, a state operated facility for homeless veterans serving veterans from all over New Jersey, was released Thursday by an Assembly panel.

"We are indebted to veterans who served and fought for the freedoms we continue to enjoy today," Conners (D-Burlington/Camden). "The council will ensure that our veterans who find themselves without a home to call their own are receiving the care they need and require."

"The council will make sure that this facility is indeed a haven for veterans in need," said Milam (D-Cape May/Atlantic/Cumberland). "They put their lives on the line for our country. It is now time for us to return the favor at a time in their lives when they most need it."

The Veterans Haven Council will formulate policies for the coordination of services for the veterans housed at Neterans Haven located in Camden County; will consult with and advise the Deputy Commissioner of Veterans Affair and the Director of Veterans Services with respect to the work of Veterans Haven; recommend standards and procedures for application and termination of eligibility for admission to Veterans Haven; and recommend standards of care, treatment and discipline governing the relationship between Veterans Haven and the persons admitted there.

The council will consist of seven members. The Deputy Commissioner of Veterans Affairs will serve as a nonvoting ex-officio member. Each member will be appointed by the Adjutant General with the approval of the Governor. The term of each member will be three years. Council members are subject to removal by the Adjutant General at any time for good and sufficient cause.

The bill (A-4111) was released by the Assembly Military and Veterans' Affairs

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