Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Watson-Coleman: Governor's Higher Education Cuts Continue His Assault on New Jersey Families

(Trenton) - Assemblywoman Bonnie Watson-Coleman (D-Mercer) on Tuesday released the following statement on Gov. Chris Christie's higher education cuts and their impact on tuition for working class New Jersey families.

"We already know this governor doesn't hesitate to raise taxes on working class families, so it shouldn't surprise anyone that he has no qualms about hiking tuition on them too.

"The governor's budget proposal sustains the significant cuts in higher education from last year, except this time he doesn't even want a tuition cap to try to control costs for families.

"In Chris Christie's New Jersey, the middle-class and the poor simply will not be able to afford to go to college. Once again, only the wealthy benefit.

"The continued lack of higher education aid combined with the lack of a tuition cap will result in more significant tuition increases in the coming year.

"The bottom line - in every way possible this governor is making New Jersey unaffordable for working class families."

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