Friday, March 18, 2011

Today while reviewing the blogs,

I read the piece written by Tony Rucker. Tony, I agree that the elimination of the UEZ program in Plainfield will have a devastating impact on the downtown area. I have been speaking with Jeff Dunn (the new President of the Chamber of Commerce) to identify ways of helping the merchants to better promote their businesses, as well as the area. I also speak with Congressman Pallone on a weekly basis. Together we are working on a federal and state level to address ways to find solutions for safety issues, health issues, economic and job issues. Through our joint effort, we are beginning to make some progress. When working on these types of issues it is important to 1) form a viable plan, 2) identify sources of funding and 3) implement solutions for the problems. In the past, various entities representing all levels of the federal, state and local community have talked about the problem but not followed through. I am pleased that I am working with people that are focused on the elimination of these issues and we are making progress.

As Chairman of local government, the Union County Freeholder Board reached out to me to discuss A2501 and for my support of the Board to enact a resolution in support of the statewide UEZ program. Being familiar with Plainfield’s program, I expressed one major concern that I have with the elimination of this program - the elimination of four police officers that currently patrol the downtown area. The salaries for these officers are paid through the UEZ program. The loss of this police manpower will have a serious impact on Plainfield’s downtown district. Additionally, other services are derived from this program. If we lose the UEZ program this will further cut into the city’s deficit leaving the citizens of Plainfield with more of a burden in increased taxes.

I am hoping that in the future, people like Rob will provide some solutions for their concerns rather than print false information. First, as soon as the governor made this announcement, as Chairman of local government I reached out to Speaker Oliver to organize a hearing on this issue. Further, I am inviting the mayors from each of the towns that have the UEZ program to the hearings. Lastly, I invited a representative from the governor’s office to come in and explain the rationale behind recommending these cuts to a program that has brought in several million dollars to the merchants and the city.

Every day the federal government and the state are cutting programs. I believe that had people like Rob spoken up and said something earlier, rather than sit back and complain, these cuts would be less likely to take place at this time. For this reason, I continue to state that these solution-less complaints hurt the city more than anything else.

Therefore to say that I have done nothing is a false statement. Your last sentence is very mild when you speak of the governor. Do you understand that this proposal originates from the governor? It is sad that you do not offer criticism of the governor’s proposal to eliminate UEZ, instead you dedicate your energy speculating that I am not doing anything. Obviously, you are painfully unaware of the actions that I am taking around the state to address this issue. I must ask you Rob … what have you done? I question whether you are one of the individuals that voted the governor into office. Are you?

In fact, I will go further to address your comment. Yes Rob, I am constantly recognized for the position that I hold in the state of NJ. This position is paying dividends because the governor wants me to support a housing program that will hurt cities like Plainfield. A program that will allow towns like Warren to continue to neglect their responsibility to those that need affordable and low income housing.

Frankly Rob, your comments make me question whether you actually live here in Plainfield. When reading the blogs and your comments, I find that you are constantly negative of me. Your comment today falsely reeks with the air of having knowledge of my actions. Simply put, if you wish to continuously challenge me - be my guest. I am happy to debate you and your friends via a display of my actions and my work. In an effort to simplfiy this for you, I have a question for you. Is it possible for you to compare your actions and the solutions that you are proposing (solutions that are not rendered in print) with those that I am openly working to enact? Perhaps an attempt on your end to raise the bar of knowledge for what I am doing verses what you speculate me to be doing will open your eyes to the reality of what we face here in Plainfield and in Union county.

P.S. Rob it now time to put up or shut.

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