Tuesday, November 23, 2010

An open letter to the 2010 Republican Candidates for Union Countywide Office

The following letter is being sent to the 2010 Republican Candidates for Union Countywide Office. Ironically the one name missing from those referenced within the letter is that of Cory Storch - a closeted Republican in Democratic sheep's clothing.

Dear 2010 Republican Candidates for Union Countywide Office;

One of Union County's greatest strengths is the incredible diversity we enjoy within our communities. That is why we are writing to express our sincere shock and utter astonishment at your comments after the General Election held on November 2nd of this year.

We are specifically referring to an article printed on November 4, 2010 in The Westfield Leader in which Freeholder Candidate Elyse Medved said, “These people (Democratic voters in urban parts of the County) are getting what they vote for, and it’s a shame because they won’t open their eyes, but we will eventually force them to open their eyes. It’s not over”. Freeholder Candidate Ellen Dickson continued by saying, “Those who are benefiting from the largesse are getting a bigger and bigger percentage, and that percentage is sucking all the rest of us”. Freeholder Candidate Brian Flanagan said, “We’ve tried so many ways...we just keep getting hosed out here in the western end of the county, and it’s got to stop”. Most dismaying were the comments made by Candidate for County Clerk Arthur Zapolski, who referred to the Democratic Party’s success, saying, “You hit them (people in urban areas) with a cattle prod, and they’ll go under; there’s no brain power involved”.

We find that comments such as these linger at the border of racism and are not appropriate viewpoints of candidates for Countywide, or any, elected office. These remarks practice the politics of divisiveness that have no place in society today.

The residents of our urban communities are just as pensive and deliberate in their voting decisions as those in our suburban neighboring communities and to suggest otherwise is both insulting and disrespectful. These calculated choices are exhibited when voters elect individuals fighting for those that best represent their needs. Both at the Congressional and State level Republicans have voted to extend benefits for the wealthiest while cutting programs and services for the vast majority of hard-working residents. House Republicans rejected a measure that would have extended unemployment benefits scheduled to lapse on November 30th, yet they continue to support extending the Bush tax cuts to the wealthiest two percent of Americans. At the state level, the Governor chose to support tax cuts for millionaires, yet submitted a budget that cut vital services to our children and senior citizens. We thank these urban voters who were also joined by thousands of residents throughout the suburban parts of the County and voted based on the real issues. We believe the voters of Union County knew exactly what they were doing on November 2nd. They voted for those that have their priorities in mind . . . the right priorities.

Your condescending statements are simply unacceptable. We collectively urge you to publicly apologize for these disgraceful remarks and to be more considerate and respectful of all voters in the future.


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