Thursday, August 13, 2009

Accuracy re Fanwood Rescue Squad

Below is a letter to the editor from Fanwood Mayor Colleen Mahr regarding the false information circulating in her borough regarding the Fanwood Volunteer Rescue Squad. She accurately highlights the truths in the efficiency and dedication of the Fanwood Rescue Squad. The misinformation being spread is baseless, and is not welcomed in such a sensitive issue. Her letter reads as follows:

Dear Editor:

As Mayor of the Borough of Fanwood I want to respond to recent reports that have indicated the Fanwood Rescue Squad will not respond to mutual aid calls in Plainfield, west of Park Avenue. This is a completely false statement and the record must be corrected.

Fanwood’s Rescue Squad, a non-profit entirely volunteer organization comprised of nearly 40 members, has always answered every call at anytime of the day or night. These dedicated professionals take their jobs extremely serious. They would never pick and choose where to respond. A life in crisis is a life worth saving regardless of geographic boundaries. I am tremendously proud of our Rescue Squad members for their efforts put forth on behalf of Fanwood and the surrounding communities, including Plainfield, whenever duty calls. It does these proud men and women a grave disservice to create falsehoods of their ignoring emergency mutual aid requests. The Fanwood Rescue Squad will continue to assist Plainfield and our surrounding municipalities, as it has always done.

It is important to note that all area rescue squads have experienced challenges due to the closing of Muhlenberg Hospital a year ago. This specific issue has not gone unnoticed by local leaders. As a member of the Muhlenberg Community Advisory group our goal is to discuss and find solutions to all health services issues in Plainfield and the surrounding communities because of this closing. I stand with Mayor Robinson-Briggs of Plainfield, Assemblyman Green and Assemblywoman Stender in their commitment to find the alternative means to ensure all of our communities emergency medical needs are met and all calls for ambulance coverage are responded to in the most safe and expedient manner possible.

Colleen Mahr
Mayor of Fanwood

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