Monday, May 4, 2009

Reiteration on State Comptroller Request / Tonight's Council Meeting

Today I had an opportunity to read Dan Damon’s blog. I would like to respond to some of his concerns. Despite Mr. Damon’s tone in his blog, I am taking the high road in my responses.

Regarding his first concern, I have reached out for the Office of the State Comptroller. If there are some who are not satisfied with the answers I receive from the State, residents have the same opportunity to call the State Comptroller’s Office themselves, and voice their concerns. When investigating concerns, the Comptroller’s office has a policy of having ‘closed’ investigations, meaning they do not go public until they have completely investigated an issue. That policy then, hinders seeing anything formalize in writing until the investigation is completed. With that, I have no control over the timetable of response.

Asking for something in writing at this particular time would not serve any positive purpose, but would only frustrate both the public and the Comptroller’s office. This policy of releasing information only until the investigation is complete defeats rumor-based information, giving way to factual, direct information. So if anyone like Dan Damon would like to call the State Comptroller’s Office, please, be my guest.

As previously stated, in order for me to make my informed decision in this matter, I want to ensure that the information I receive and share is studied, informed, and reliable. Having this sort of information at our disposal negates half-answered truths, as well as misinformation. Once I get the information from the State, I am sharing it with the public.

The third issue Mr. Damon voiced regarding the documentation and explanation of PMUA’s funding agenda for junkets is public information that anyone in the City can attain by filing an OPRA request form. By law, the PMUA has to make this information publicly available. I am confident that this law is in place to make sure that Dan and any other taxpayer in Plainfield can and will receive this information in a timely fashion.

Tonight Lucille Davy, the State Commissioner of Education, will be meeting with me to discuss educational issues with the Council President and council members dealing with school funding and the defeated school budget. This is a vital part of my job that I am elected to fulfill; field community concerns, contact the appropriate State Department agency, and deliver. This is a part of my job that gets easier by the year because of the respectful and productive working relations I have with the various State agencies.

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