Monday, April 27, 2009

The PUBLIC Wants Answers

Reading today’s blog, Dan Damon’s in particular, I find it to be the biggest joke in the State of New Jersey. We have mayoral candidates who would like to run for the office of mayor, and Mapp is trying to deny them the ability to run for technical reasons. My position to Mapp, Smiley, and all the other candidates, let them run and have the public weigh on and make the decision.

I am shocked and surprised at the language in the blogs I am reading, implying that I am nervous and scared. I am not afraid nor am I nervous. I am confident that the voters will vote for the candidate who is prepared to move the City in the right direction, to deal with the issues the City is facing, and bring the community together. Mr. Mapp fails to realize that he voted with all of the other Democratic Freeholders on a consistent basis. Yet and still, there were over 25,000 voters who voted him OUT of office. So I do have a problem with him trying to lump me in with all the other elected officials, because I have no problem in what line or slate he and Mr. Smiley run on. I am shocked that the New Democrats here in the City would allow Mr. Mapp to use their support for his own personal gain. Mr. Mapp is doing this because he works for the Mayor of Roselle, thus left with no choice but to try to save his $100,000+ job in that Borough. A similar position in a neighboring town, which is double the size of Roselle, makes $30,000 less than Mr. Mapp.

On another issue, Council President Rashid Burney reached out for me to ask the County Superintendent to come in and speak to the Council in reference to the new formula for school funding. With the school budget defeated by the public, the Council now has to examine it. This is exactly why I supported this new formula; it gives the City and the community an opportunity to ask questions about the budget, bringing forth accuracy and accountability.

The Council President advised me that the leadership at the Plainfield Board of Education apparently has a problem with him reaching out to me for information regarding this issue. I have made it very clear to the Council President and the Mayor, that if they have any problems or questions with issues in the community, to not hesitate in calling on me so that I can direct them accordingly to appropriate State Commissioners. This is a vital part of my job within my district, a courtesy and responsibility belonging to every Council President and Mayor in my Legislative District.

With that, I spoke to the State Commissioner of Education and she made it very clear to me that if I need her or a staff member to come in and answer any questions officials in the City might have, she would me more than happy to do so. For the public to have defeated the budget, it is clear to me that the public has questions they want answered.

Finally, to those members of the Board of Education who have a problem with me erring on the side of accountability and duty as a Legislator: I do not have to get an ‘ok’ from anyone at the Board of Education as to who I speak to. I answer to the voters, to the communities in my Legislative District.

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