Tuesday, April 14, 2009

A Letter For All

I received an email from Maria Pellum yesterday evening and I prefer not to get involved with personal exchanges with her. Over the past year, as she for one has increasingly attempted to provoke such interaction, my attorney has advised me not to participate in such behavior with certain individuals in the Plainfield area. For these individuals are unable to adhere to the distinct dividing line of person versus politics. Therefore I will respond publically in a blanketed response.

Questions that were emailed me regarding issues in Plainfield have been addressed in previous blogs, so if one is not satisfied with my answers, feel free to reach out to my counterpart in the 22nd District, Assemblywoman Linda Stender, and if I have said something incorrectly, please
reach out to the Attorney General’s office.

As I mentioned in earlier posts, the City of Plainfield had to return a $500,000 grant to the Department of Community Affairs a few years ago. Plainfield was asked to return this grant money because of its poor management of said funds; Cory Storch was on councilman at that time, he should be well versed with that information. But please, contact the Department of Community Affairs for direct information, being that they are the direct source of the returned funding.

With regard to the $400,000 that the Plainfield Board of Education returned to the State, I encourage those who want an answer to call the Board directly to get specifics as to whom responsibility of the $400,000 being returned belongs. A duty of mine as a State elected official is to keep my voters/constituents informed as to the dealings of issues within my district (and not to point fingers).

Next, the responsibility of Muhlenberg’s closing solely rests on the shoulders of Solaris. Solaris made the business decision to close the hospital because they could not afford to keep the hospital open. There decision went beyond the efforts of the City and State because they are a private entity.

Finally, I was asked “who do you talk to and get your information?” The question itself is out of line and quite frankly, above those who are asking. I will however, remind those asking that I have respective working relations with those on the Federal, State, County, and local levels of government. That line of questioning I believe should be directed toward those spreading rumors and misinformation.

As always, I am willing to discuss any alleged wrongdoings done by my policymaking and position as a State Legislator, if any. But since I know that if I were guilty of any wrongdoings, I would be drawn and quartered by a select forum of local ‘politicos’ immediately. I however, neither see nor hear any wagons in the distance; thus I am reassured, as my record contends repeatedly, that I am in the clear.

Thus, on the basis of legal counsel, I have no intentions of dealing with Maria Pellum on a personal level, but as a voter/constituent I will continue to field any and all questions she may have. I also encourage her to voice these concerns in written form and send them to my legislative email.

Jerry Green

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