Thursday, April 9, 2009

A Lesson for Maria and Her Friends

After reading the blogs this morning, I cannot help but to respond to Maria’s blog. Here is a woman that is constantly calling me an embarrassment to the City and the State, showing no respect for me as a person, let alone as an elected official. Maria, along with some of her friends, have always tried to embarrass me as an elected official, but always end up embarrassing themselves.

How can I be an embarrassment to the City as well as the 22nd District when the Adrian Mapp team is trying to convince people that I am responsible for the closing of Muhlenberg? This is a complete lie because elected officials on all levels across the State know and recognize my efforts in trying to keep the hospital open, keep the campus resources accessible to the Plainfield medical community, as well as hold Solaris to its agreements. As long as they proclaim this lie (a word Maria and her friends like to use) they will force people to examine that story, and in the end, the truth of the matter will be heard.

Let us remember that Maria is the one comparing herself to a child in the classroom. I may disagree with people, but I resent Maria’s claim of me dividing the community and character assassination. If what I printed in my blog regarding the $400,000 that the Plainfield Board of Education had to send back to the State, then tell me the truth: did it or did it not happen?

A few years ago when the Storch/Mapp team had to send back $500,000 to the State, was that the truth or is that a lie? Would you agree that the residents of Plainfield deserve to know the poor managerial skills of their faction? Which is more important, me bringing to the attention of the public the mismanagement at the hands of some of our elected officials, or me closing an eye to this behavior because they are friends of Maria?

My policy has always been to bring these sorts of issues to the attention of the public so that we do not repeat such actions and behaviors. I for one have worked very hard for the City and have not used my position for personal gain. If people then, want to continuously spread misinformation, then I will continue to rebut them with truths until their detrimental agendas are seen for what they really are. If there are any untruths in my latest blogs, please put corrections in writing with substantiated research so that I may be as accurate as possible.


I have not always agreed with some of the New Democrats, but that has never nor will ever alter my personal feelings and respect for the late mayor, Al McWilliams. Al and I had our political differences, but we respected each other as men. Unfortunately in life, often in the political arena, people have their differences. Yet one thing I can say about Al and myself is that we were not involved in politics for personal gain. That is why I am happy to see that the community sees through Adrian Mapp’s political agenda; he is involved with politics for the benefit of self, and not the community. People on the State, County, and local levels of government are recognizing that he has absolutely no problem using people in order to get to where he wants to go.

Something about Al that I gave him credit for was that he never lied nor misled people. Unfortunately, I cannot say the same about Adrian. The bottom line is that I do not tolerate a liar. If Adrian Mapp’s whole campaign is going to be centralized around me being responsible for the closing of Muhlenberg, then show us the proof, or stop the lying.


Anonymous said...

Dear Assemblyman Green,
The nattering nabobs of the New Dem blogs are mere whispers in the wind. The big clue to that is the fact that whenever Dan posts a survey he never even gets 200 votes. And he leaves those silly surveys up for weeks! If he had a rabid audience that paid attention to his rants and agreed with him, readers would be participating in his sillyness.
Anyone who has really been paying attention and showing up, knows what kind of influence and respect you command around the county, the district and the state.
It also breaks my heart to see and hear the disrespect that these people show to our Mayor Sharon Robinson-Briggs. She is so dedicated and heart-felt in her pure love for Plainfield and our people. To blame her for the problems that are bearing on the entire USA, and the world, is ridiculous and narrow minded. There was NOTHING anyone could have done to stop the Muhlenberg closure. Solaris is a private entity, not owned or run by Plainfield. It is a sad fact that they had every right to do what they did. And I also know that Sharon and many many townspeople are working every day to find a solution to bring back a full service hospital. Why don't we see any of these so called "new dems" at the Muhlenberg meetings, or anywhere actually doing something useful to save the hospital? Because they are full of hate and only want to destroy, not create. This ongoing grudge of the past 10 years is getting old and tired. If only they could contribute and do something useful instead of sniping in the background like a murder of crows lined up on a wire.

So, in closing, don't let them wear you down sir.

With great affection, I remain anonymous for now.

Anonymous said...

Very well said!!!