Monday, November 3, 2008

Time to Stand AND Deliver

I had the privilege of meeting with a large group of concerned clergymen of the Plainfield area. In the past, the working relationship between the clergymen and me has been positive and effective; which is why I felt it of dire importance to share with them the urgency of taking our working relationships to higher heights.

The current financial crisis is engulfing our great nation and the State of New Jersey mercilessly. Because of this phenomena, it is key that we do not merely duplicate relief efforts, but UNITE as a community to properly and effectively deal with these problems that we are facing even as a country. We need to come together and press forward to combat these detrimental societal issues such as education. We as a community need to partner up with the Board of Education, to maintain lines of communication. These lines of communication will most certainly induce resolve. In maintaining these sorts of relationships, those same energies can be poured into securing job opportunities, outreach programs, and better clergy-community relations. I do stress the promotion of job opportunities because our community has countless numbers of capable, unemployed citizens; and with the efforts that I would like us to partake in, we will be able to provide a vehicle with such a purpose.

No longer should our local communities be dependant upon federal and state funding. Do not get me wrong, such funding is helpful beyond explanation, but we as a community should wean ourselves from its dependence; for such funding should serve as supplemental or emergency-oriented funding/spending. We should begin to deliver services through our communal assets; church and volunteer organizations and others because these sorts of services are centrally rooted within the community. As our current national, statewide, and local crises ensue, it is evident that emergency lending from the federal and state levels is necessary. Having a solid, attentive community would allow for the incoming relief funding to touch, saturate, those who are in direct need of it. This sort of unity will deny such funding to be left up to chance.

A significant issue the clergy and me discussed the other night was the institution of a progressive re-entry program within our community. This program would provide the necessary aid to help those in need, reestablish their ties to the community. In order for this type of program to be successful, we need to first accept the reality that ex-convicts, once released, have paid their debts to society, and should not be put through societal double jeopardy. If we do not embrace this reality, then we will sadly see the rate of recidivism increase.

Therefore, in turning the corner in facilitating healthy communication within our community, it is time for us to forge together and cease in the damaging criticisms of ourselves. In short, let us move out of a sort of crab-mentality, and propel members of our community to lengths of greatness. Criticism, let me say, is positive and needed, so long as it is constructive. However, the constant battering and shooting-down of positive movements by peoples in our community will continue to divide us and weaken bonds of kinship. It is time now for us to come together and bring solutions, as a whole, to the table.

Due to the crisis on Wall Street, we can no longer judge and debase individuals who have been rendered homeless, for, there are FAMILIES who were generating incomes of $100,000 a year who are sadly ONE paycheck away from homelessness. Credit cards are maxed out, equity is shot, and there monies have been lost in a failing market. Our aid needs to reach even those families, thus garnering an all-inclusive grasp of our community. Reverend DeForest ‘Buster’ Soaries and his organization and I have agreed to collaborate and assemble a group of knowledgeable citizens, in the field of foreclosures and financial crises, who will be able to assist and met needs within our community. This group will provide a means to reaching projected goals and meet needs of those in need.

His program, along with others across the state, is ready NOW to address these issues and solicit help for those in need. Until we get OUR service program in place, I recommend Plainfield and neighboring communities, reach out to my office so that we can better assist you with your needs. The feedback I received from the forum the other night was tremendous; which is why I know and believe that we as a community can continue to move in this sound direction of solution and result in dealing with these dire issues. I will take any suggestions from the community that may help to resolve the problems and issues afflicting our community. This is a time wherein the community needs to feast on positivity, and have negativity laid to rest. I hope and pray that the city will take a supporting stance in the suggestions I am voicing, because no one knows when the threat of hard economic or social times may befall them. So again, if you have ANY recommendations or suggestions to the current crises in our community, do not hesitate to call my district office at (908) 561-5757.

On a crisis that everyone within the State of New Jersey is facing, it is important to keep in perspective that this crisis affects democrats, republicans, and independents. This explains why I am receiving STRONG bi-partisan support from Trenton. Unfortunately, there is a consistent handful of people in Plainfield that cannot discern between good government and personal vendettas. To them, I say directly, I am receiving hefty support from ALL avenues of people; from people of different races, creeds, and political stances, democratic, republican, and independent. Now is the time to set aside PETTY politics and assume COMPLETE concern in the collective effort of achieving solutions, and overcoming this current crisis.

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